If you are running BlogEngine.NET 2.5, and you want to add post view count statistics feature to your webblog, then I recommend you apply this update to your blog installation.

New feature: Post view count stats

Front end screenshot:

Update BlogEngine.NET from 2.5 to 2.6  

Remark: You can set the view count number appear next to the total number of comments.

Admin screenshot:

Update BlogEngine.NET from 2.5 to 2.6

Remark: Via the extension manager, you can exclude the authenticated users as well as the specified IPs from accumulating the view count for a post.

Changed file list:


Upgrade steps:

  1. Always important! Backup your original blog;
  2. Download the upgrade zip file, and unzip it;
  3. Copy those files listed above in the unzipped folder to the corresponding folders of your blog installation place. For those files had already existed, replace them;
  4. Execute the repective sql statements if you are using a database. For example, if you are using SQLite for your blog, then execute the sql statements in the SQLiteUpgradeFrom2.5To2.6 txt. If you are not using a database (i.e. you are using xml as data storage for your blog), then you don’t need this step.
  5. Done.

Reminder: If you upgraded at the local machine, and then upload it to the remote server, remember upload the files under bin folder as well as other files. The safe way is uploading all files.


BE2.5To2.6.zip (321.98 kb)