
The String class has a format() method in C# which is very handy to build dynamic messages from a template.

For example,

Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Current Page Index: {0}, Total Pages: {1}", 10, 150));

The above code would generate the following outputs:

Current Page Index: 10, Total Pages: 150

But by default, the String object in javascript has no methods like that. But we can add one to it.

I have implemented one long time ago, and today I came up with a new implementation which is more robust.


        String.format = function () {
            if (arguments.length <= 0) {
                return "";
            } else {
                var format = arguments[0];
                var args = arguments;

                var s = format.replace(/(?:[^{]|^|\b|)(?:{{)*(?:{(\d+)}){1}(?:}})*(?=[^}]|$|\b)/g, function (match, number) {
                    number = parseInt(number);

                    return typeof args[number + 1] != "undefined" ? match.replace(/{\d+}/g, args[number + 1]) : match;

                return s.replace(/{{/g, "{").replace(/}}/g, "}");

        String.prototype.format = function () {            
            if (arguments.length <= 0) {
                return this;
            } else {
                var format = this;
                var args = arguments;

                var s = format.replace(/(?:[^{]|^|\b|)(?:{{)*(?:{(\d+)}){1}(?:}})*(?=[^}]|$|\b)/g, function (match, number) {
                    number = parseInt(number);

                    return typeof args[number] != "undefined" ? match.replace(/{\d+}/g, args[number]) : match;

                return s.replace(/{{/g, "{").replace(/}}/g, "}");

Usage and QUnit tests:

                var format = "{0}{1}{{2}}";
                var s = String.format(format, "hello", "world", "nonsense");
                equal(s, "helloworld{2}");
                s = format.format("hello", "world", "nonsense");
                equal(s, "helloworld{2}");

                format = "{0}{1}{{2}}";
                s = String.format(format, "hello");
                equal(s, "hello{1}{2}");
                s = format.format("hello");
                equal(s, "hello{1}{2}");

                format = "{0}{1}";
                s = String.format(format, "hello", "world");
                equal(s, "helloworld");
                s = format.format("hello", "world");
                equal(s, "helloworld");

                format = "{0}{1}";
                s = String.format(format, "hello", "world", "i");
                equal(s, "helloworld");
                s = format.format("hello", "world", "i");
                equal(s, "helloworld");

                format = "{{{0}}}";
                s = String.format(format, "hello");
                equal(s, "{hello}");
                s = format.format("hello");
                equal(s, "{hello}");

                format = "{{{{0}}}}";
                s = String.format(format, "hello");
                equal(s, "{{0}}");
                s = format.format("hello");
                equal(s, "{{0}}");

                format = "{{{{{0}}}}}";
                s = String.format(format, "hello");
                equal(s, "{{hello}}");
                s = format.format("hello");
                equal(s, "{{hello}}");

Application Example:

Write code like this:

alert(String.format("Current Page Index: {0}, Total Pages: {1}", 10, 150));

You can run it online immediately by clicking the this link.