<div style="text-indent: 2em; font-size: larger;">


首先,建立一个Email的类文件,用来封装相关的邮件发送准备操作(如建立CDO.Message对象,以及做一些邮件服务器的配置工作等),命名为 CEmail.asp。

    Class CEmail
        Private sFromEmail
        Private sToEmail
        Private sMessage 
        Private sBCCEmail
        Private sSubject
        Private sBody
        ' 配置
        Private sOrigSenderEmail
        Private lSendUsing
        Private lSmtpServerPort
        Private sSmtpServer
        Private lSmtpAuthenticate
        Private sSendUserName
        Private sSendPassword
        Private bSmtpUseSSL
    Private Function bValidateExp(ByRef sPattern, ByRef s)
        Dim regEx
        Set regEx = Server.CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        regEx.Global = True
        regEx.IgnoreCase = True
        regEx.Pattern = sPattern
        bValidateExp = regEx.Test(s)
        Set regEx = Nothing
    End Function 
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        sOrigSenderEmail = "***@myfootprints.cn"
        ' 2 - cdoSendUsingPort
        lSendUsing = 2
        lSmtpServerPort = 25
        sSmtpServer = "smtp.qq.com"
        ' 1 - cdoBasic
        lSmtpAuthenticate = 1
        sSendUserName = "***@myfootprints.cn"
        sSendPassword = "***"
        bSmtpUseSSL = False
    End Sub
    Public Sub GetRequest()
    End Sub
    Public Function SendTextMail()
        Dim oMail
        On Error Resume Next
        Set oMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
        ' 设置
        With oMail.Configuration.Fields       
            'Original sender email address 
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendemailaddress") = Me.OrigSenderEmail

            'SMTP settings - without authentication, using standard port 25 on host smtp
            ' 2 - cdoSendUsingPort 
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = Me.SendUsing
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = Me.SmtpServerPort
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = Me.SmtpServer

            'SMTP Authentication
            ' 0 - cdoAnonymous 
            ' 1 - cdoBasic 
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = Me.SmtpAuthenticate                 
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = Me.SendUserName
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = Me.SendPassword
            .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = Me.SmtpUseSSL

        End With
        oMail.To = Me.ToEmail
        oMail.From = Me.OrigSenderEmail
        oMail.BCC = Me.BCCEmail
        oMail.Subject = Me.Subject
        oMail.Textbody = Me.Body
        Set oMail = Nothing
        If Err.number = 0 Then
            SendTextMail = True
            AddInfo2 "发生错误:" &amp; Err.Description, "ssnInfo_SendToFriend"
            SendTextMail = False
        End If
        On Error Goto 0
    End Function
    Public Function Validate()
        Validate = True
        If Len(Me.FromEmail) &lt;= 0 Then
            AddInfo2 "发送Email不能为空", "ssnInfo_SendToFriend"
            Validate = False
        End If
        If Len(Me.ToEmail) &lt;= 0 Then
            AddInfo2 "接收Email不能为空", "ssnInfo_SendToFriend"
            Validate = False
        End If
    End Function
    Public Property Get FromEmail()
        FromEmail = sFromEmail
    End Property
    Public Property Let FromEmail(ByRef s)
        sFromEmail = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get ToEmail()
        ToEmail = sToEmail
    End Property
    Public Property Let ToEmail(ByRef s)
        sToEmail = s
    End Property 
    Public Property Get Message()
        Message = sMessage
    End Property
    Public Property Let Message(ByRef s)
        sMessage = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get BCCEmail()
        BCCEmail = sBCCEmail
    End Property
    Public Property Let BCCEmail(ByRef s)
        sBCCEmail = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get Subject()
        Subject = sSubject
    End Property
    Public Property Let Subject(ByRef s)
        sSubject = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get URL()
        URL = sURL
    End Property
    Public Property Let URL(ByRef s)
        sURL = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get Body()
        Body = sBody
    End Property
    Public Property Let Body(ByRef s)
        sBody = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get OrigSenderEmail()
        OrigSenderEmail = sOrigSenderEmail
    End Property
    Public Property Let OrigSenderEmail(ByRef s)
        sOrigSenderEmail = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get SendUsing()
        SendUsing = lSendUsing
    End Property
    Public Property Let SendUsing(ByVal l)
        lSendUsing = l
    End Property
    Public Property Get SmtpServerPort()
        SmtpSErverPort = lSmtpServerPort
    ENd Property
    Public Property Let SmtpServerPort(ByVal l)
        lSmtpServerPort = l
    End Property
    Public Property Get SmtpServer()
        SmtpServer = sSmtpSErver
    End Property
    Public Property Let SmtpServer(ByRef s)
        sSmtpServer = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get SmtpAuthenticate()
        SmtpAuthenticate = lSmtpAuthenticate
    End Property
    Public Property Let SmtpAuthenticate(ByVal l)
        lSmtpAuthenticate = l
    End Property
    Public Property Get SendUserName()
        SendUserName = sSendUserName
    End Property
    Public Property Let SendUserName(ByRef s)
        sSendUserName = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get SendPassword()
        SendPassword = sSendPassword
    End Property 
    Public Property Let SendPassword(ByRef s)
        sSendPassword = s
    End Property 
    Public Property Get SmtpUseSSL()
        SmtpUseSSL = bSmtpUseSSL
    End Property
    Public Property Let SmtpUseSSL(ByVal b)
        bSmtpUseSSL = b
    ENd Property
End Class



<!--#include file="CEmail.asp"-->
    Class CBeanSendToFriend
        Private sFromEmail
        Private sToEmail
        Private sMessage 
        Private sBCCEmail
        Private sSubject
        Private sURL
        Private sHeader
        Private sFooter
        Private sBody
    Private Function bValidateExp(ByRef sPattern, ByRef s)
        Dim regEx
        Set regEx = Server.CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        regEx.Global = True
        regEx.IgnoreCase = True
        regEx.Pattern = sPattern
        bValidateExp = regEx.Test(s)
        Set regEx = Nothing
    End Function 
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    End Sub
    Public Sub GetRequest()
        Me.FromEmail = Replace(Trim(Request.Form("FromEmail")), "'", "")
        Me.ToEmail = Replace(Trim(Request.Form("ToEmail")), "'", "")
        Me.Message = Trim(Request.Form("Message"))
        Me.URL = Trim(Request.Form("URL"))
        Me.BCCEmail = "***@myfootprints.cn"
        Me.Subject = Trim(Request.Form("Subject"))
        Me.Header = (Request.Form("Header"))
        Me.Footer = Request.Form("Footer")
    End Sub
    Public Function Validate()
        Validate = True
        If Len(Me.ToEmail) &lt;= 0 Then
            AddInfo2 "接收Email不能为空", "ssnInfo_SendToFriend"
            Validate = False
        End If
        If Validate Then
            Dim oEmail
            Set oEmail = New CEmail
            oEmail.FromEmail = Me.FromEmail
            oEmail.ToEmail = Me.ToEmail
            oEmail.BCCEmail = Me.BCCEmail
            oEmail.Subject = Me.Subject
            'Me.Body = "您的朋友 " &amp; Me.FromEmail &amp; " 推荐您访问[我的涂鸦]网站:" &amp; vbCrLf &amp; vbCrLf &amp; Me.URL &amp; vbCrLf &amp; vbCrLf &amp; Me.Message &amp; vbCrLf &amp; vbCrLf &amp; "此页面由涂鸦发送链接服务发送。您的 Email 地址没有被添加到任何清单里,也没有被记录到我的网站里。"
            Me.Body = "您的朋友 " &amp; Me.FromEmail &amp; " " &amp; Me.Header &amp; vbCrLf &amp; vbCrLf &amp; Me.Message &amp; vbCrLf &amp; Me.Footer
            oEmail.Body = Me.Body
            If oEmail.SendTextMail() Then
                Validate = False
            End If
            Set oEmail = Nothing
        End If
    End Function
    Public Property Get FromEmail()
        FromEmail = sFromEmail
    End Property
    Public Property Let FromEmail(ByRef s)
        sFromEmail = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get ToEmail()
        ToEmail = sToEmail
    End Property
    Public Property Let ToEmail(ByRef s)
        sToEmail = s
    End Property 
    Public Property Get Message()
        Message = sMessage
    End Property
    Public Property Let Message(ByRef s)
        sMessage = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get BCCEmail()
        BCCEmail = sBCCEmail
    End Property
    Public Property Let BCCEmail(ByRef s)
        sBCCEmail = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get Subject()
        Subject = sSubject
    End Property
    Public Property Let Subject(ByRef s)
        sSubject = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get URL()
        URL = sURL
    End Property
    Public Property Let URL(ByRef s)
        sURL = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get Body()
        Body = sBody
    End Property
    Public Property Let Body(ByRef s)
        sBody = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get Header()
        Header = sHeader
    End Property
    Public Property Let Header(ByRef s)
        sHeader = s
    End Property
    Public Property Get Footer()
        Footer = sFooter
    End Property 
    Public Property Let Footer(ByRef s)
        sFooter = s
    End Property
End Class
