




  • 要引用外置程序,这很讨厌
  • 要在网站项目做配置,使得它在每次编译前执行
  • 要维护一个xml文件,以指定哪些js/css文件需要压缩。这很不灵活,每次新增一个需要压缩的文件,都要去修改这个xml文件
  • 要配置一些难记的命令
  • 由于这个Crunch.exe程序的引入,使得网站项目所在的路径中,任何文件夹名不得含有空格!否则这个程序将会执行失败,导致整个项目的编译失败!这点最令人讨厌!我曾吃过亏,在一个微软项目(给MSN的客户NBC做的网站)中,某一天我发现好端端的网站工程,老是编译失败,百思不得其解,找了很久才发现是由于这个原因!









1. 引用JavaScriptMinifier类,下面给出它的源码,你可以直接添加到你的网站工程中。这里将它封装在了zizhujy.Utility命名空间内,你也可以修改成你自己的命名空间,只要在后面引用时也作相应修改就好。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities;

namespace zizhujy.Utility { /// <summary> /// Helper class for performing minification of Javascript and CSS. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// /// This class is basically a wrapper for the AjaxMin library(lib/AjaxMin.dll). /// http://ajaxmin.codeplex.com/ /// /// There are no symbols that come with the AjaxMin dll, so this class gives a bit of intellisense /// help for basic control. AjaxMin is a pretty dense library with lots of different settings, so /// everyone's encouraged to use it directly if they want to. /// /// </remarks> public sealed class JavascriptMinifier {

    private Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.Minifier ajaxMinifier = new Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.Minifier();

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Creates a new Minifier instance.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    public JavascriptMinifier()
        this.RemoveWhitespace = true;
        this.PreserveFunctionNames = true;
        this.VariableMinification = VariableMinification.None;

    #region "Methods"

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Builds the required CodeSettings class needed for the Ajax Minifier.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    private CodeSettings CreateCodeSettings()
        var codeSettings = new CodeSettings();
        codeSettings.MinifyCode = false;
        codeSettings.OutputMode = (this.RemoveWhitespace ? OutputMode.SingleLine : OutputMode.MultipleLines);

        // MinifyCode needs to be set to true in order for anything besides whitespace removal
        // to be done on a script.
        codeSettings.MinifyCode = this.ShouldMinifyCode;
        if (this.ShouldMinifyCode)

            switch (this.VariableMinification)
                case VariableMinification.None:
                    codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.KeepAll;

                case VariableMinification.LocalVariablesOnly:
                    codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.KeepLocalizationVars;

                case VariableMinification.LocalVariablesAndFunctionArguments:
                    codeSettings.LocalRenaming = LocalRenaming.CrunchAll;
            // This is being set by default. A lot of scripts use eval to parse out various functions
            // and objects. These names need to be kept consistant with the actual arguments.
            codeSettings.EvalTreatment = EvalTreatment.MakeAllSafe;

            // This makes sure that function names on objects are kept exactly as they are. This is
            // so functions that other non-minified scripts rely on do not get renamed.
            codeSettings.PreserveFunctionNames = this.PreserveFunctionNames;


        return codeSettings;

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Gets the minified version of the passed in script.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="script"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    public string Minify(string script)
        if (this.ShouldMinify)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(script))
                return string.Empty;
                return this.ajaxMinifier.MinifyJavaScript(script, this.CreateCodeSettings());

        return script;


    #region "Properties"

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Gets or sets whether this Minifier instance should minify local-scoped variables.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;remarks&gt;
    /// Setting this value to LocalVariablesAndFunctionArguments can have a negative impact on some scripts.
    /// Ex: A pre-minified jQuery will fail if passed through this. 
    /// &lt;/remarks&gt;
    public VariableMinification VariableMinification { get; set; }

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Gets or sets whether this Minifier instance should preserve function names when minifying a script.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;remarks&gt;
    /// Scripts that have external scripts relying on their functions should leave this set to true. 
    /// &lt;/remarks&gt;
    public bool PreserveFunctionNames { get; set; }

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Gets or sets whether the &lt;see cref="BlogEngine.Core.JavascriptMinifier"/&gt; instance should remove
    /// whitespace from a script.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    public bool RemoveWhitespace { get; set; }

    private bool ShouldMinifyCode
            //  return true;
            return ((!PreserveFunctionNames) || (this.VariableMinification != VariableMinification.None));

    private bool ShouldMinify
            return ((this.RemoveWhitespace) || (this.ShouldMinifyCode));



/// &lt;summary&gt;
/// Represents the way variables should be minified by a Minifier instance.
/// &lt;/summary&gt;
public enum VariableMinification
    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// No minification will take place.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    None = 0,

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Only variables that are local in scope to a function will be minified.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    LocalVariablesOnly = 1,

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Local scope variables will be minified, as will function parameter names. This can have a negative impact on some scripts, so test if you use it! 
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    LocalVariablesAndFunctionArguments = 2



2. 在网站工程中添加JavaScriptHandler类,下面给出它的源码:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
using System.Security;
using System.Web.Caching;
using zizhujy.Utility;
using System.Net;

namespace zizhujy.HttpHandlers { /// <summary> /// Removes whitespace in all stylesheets added to the handler of the HTML document /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// /// This handler uses an external library to perform minification of scripts. /// See the zizhujy.Utility.JavascriptMinifier class for more details. /// /// </remarks> public class JavaScriptHandler : IHttpHandler { #region Properties

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    ///     Gets a value indicating whether another request can use the &lt;see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpHandler"&gt;&lt;/see&gt; instance.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;
    /// &lt;returns&gt;true if the &lt;see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpHandler"/&gt; instance is reusable; otherwise, false.&lt;/returns&gt;
    public bool IsReusable
        get { return false; }


    #region Implemented Interfaces

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Enables processing of HTTP Web requests by a custom
    ///     HttpHandler that implements the &lt;see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpHandler"/&gt; interface.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="context"&gt;
    /// An &lt;see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/&gt; object that provides
    ///     references to the intrinsic server objects
    ///     (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) used to service HTTP requests.
    /// &lt;/param&gt;
    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        var request = context.Request;
        string path = request.Path;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))

        string rawUrl = request.RawUrl.Trim();
        string cacheKey = context.Server.HtmlDecode(rawUrl);
        string script = (string)context.Cache[cacheKey];
        bool minify = ((request.QueryString["minify"] != null) &amp;&amp; (request.QueryString["minify"].ToString().Trim() != "false"));

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(script))
            script = RetrieveLocalScript(path, cacheKey, minify);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(script))

        SetHeaders(script.GetHashCode(), context);


    #region Methods

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Retrieves the local script from the disk
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="file"&gt;The file name.&lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="cacheKey"&gt;The key used to insert this script into the cache.&lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="minify"&gt;Whether or not the local script should be minified&lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;returns&gt;The retrieved local script.&lt;/returns&gt;
    private static string RetrieveLocalScript(string file, string cacheKey, bool minify)
        if(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(Path.GetExtension(file), ".js") != 0) {
            throw new SecurityException("No access");
            var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(file);
                string script;
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(path)){
                    script = reader.ReadToEnd();

                script =ProcessScript(script, file, minify);
                HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, script, new CacheDependency(path));
                return script;
        }catch(Exception ex) {

        return string.Empty;

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Call this method for any extra processing that needs to be done on a script resource before
    /// being wriiten to the response.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="script"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="filePath"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="shouldMinify"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    private static string ProcessScript(string script, string filePath, bool shouldMinify)
        if ((shouldMinify))
            var min = new JavascriptMinifier();
            min.VariableMinification = VariableMinification.LocalVariablesOnly;

            return min.Minify(script);
            return script;

    private static void SetHeaders(int hash, HttpContext context)
        var response = context.Response;
        response.ContentType = "text/jvascript";
        var cache = response.Cache;
        cache.VaryByHeaders["Accept-Encoding"] = true;
        cache.SetMaxAge(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0));

        var etag = string.Format("\"{0}\"", hash);
        var incomingEtag = context.Request.Headers["If-None-Match"];


        if (string.Compare(incomingEtag, etag) != 0)

        response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified;
        response.SuppressContent = true;



3. 在网站工程中添加CssHandler类,下面给出它的源码:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
using System.Security;
using System.Web.Caching;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Net;

namespace zizhujy.HttpHandlers { /// <summary> /// Removes whitespace in all stylesheets added to the header of the HTML document. /// </summary> public class CssHandler : IHttpHandler { #region Properties

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    ///     Gets a value indicating whether another request can use the &lt;see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpHandler"&gt;&lt;/see&gt; instance.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;
    /// &lt;returns&gt;true if the &lt;see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpHandler"/&gt; instance is reusable; otherwise, false.&lt;/returns&gt;
    public bool IsReusable
            return false;


    #region Implemented Interfaces

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Enables processing of HTTP Web request by a custom 
    ///     HttpHandler that implements the &lt;see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpHandler"/&gt; interface.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="context"&gt;
    /// An &lt;see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/&gt; object that provides 
    ///     references to the intrinsic server objects
    ///     (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) used to server HTTP requests.
    /// &lt;/param&gt;
    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        var request = context.Request;
        string path = request.Path;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
            if (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(Path.GetExtension(path), ".css") != 0)
                throw new SecurityException("Invalid CSS file extension");

            string cacheKey = request.RawUrl.Trim();
            string css = (string)context.Cache[cacheKey];
            bool minify = ((request.QueryString["minify"] != null) &amp;&amp; (request.QueryString["minify"].ToString().Trim() != "false"));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(css))
                css = RetrieveLocalCss(path, cacheKey, minify);

            // Make sure css isn't empty
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(css))
                // Configure response headers
                SetHeaders(css.GetHashCode(), context);

                context.Response.Status = "404 Bad Request";


    #region Methods

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// This will make the browser and server keep the output
    ///     in its cache and thereby improve performance.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="hash"&gt;
    /// The hash number.
    /// &lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="context"&gt;
    /// The context.
    /// &lt;/param&gt;
    private static void SetHeaders(int hash, HttpContext context)

        var response = context.Response;
        response.ContentType = "text/css";

        var cache = response.Cache;
        cache.VaryByHeaders["Accept-Encoding"] = true;

        cache.SetMaxAge(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0));

        var etag = string.Format("\"{0}\"", hash);
        var incomingEtag = context.Request.Headers["If-None-Match"];


        if (String.Compare(incomingEtag, etag) != 0)

        response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified;
        response.SuppressContent = true;

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Retrieves the local CSS from the disk
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="file"&gt;
    /// The file name.
    /// &lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="cacheKey"&gt;
    /// The key used to insert this script into the cache.
    /// &lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;returns&gt;
    /// The retrieve local css.
    /// &lt;/returns&gt;
    private static string RetrieveLocalCss(string file, string cacheKey, bool minify)
        var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(file);
            string css;
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
                css = reader.ReadToEnd();

            css = ProcessCss(css, minify);
            HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, css, new CacheDependency(path));

            return css;
            return string.Empty;

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Call this method to do any post-processing on the css before its returned in the context response.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="css"&gt;&lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    private static string ProcessCss(string css, bool minify)
        if (minify)
            css = StripWhitespace(css);
            return css;
            return css;

    /// &lt;summary&gt;
    /// Strips the whitespace from any .css file.
    /// &lt;/summary&gt;
    /// &lt;param name="body"&gt;
    /// The body string.
    /// &lt;/param&gt;
    /// &lt;returns&gt;
    /// The strip whitespace.
    /// &lt;/returns&gt;
    private static string StripWhitespace(string body)

        body = body.Replace("  ", " ");
        body = body.Replace(Environment.NewLine, String.Empty);
        body = body.Replace("\t", string.Empty);
        body = body.Replace(" {", "{");
        body = body.Replace(" :", ":");
        body = body.Replace(": ", ":");
        body = body.Replace(", ", ",");
        body = body.Replace("; ", ";");
        body = body.Replace(";}", "}");

        // sometimes found when retrieving CSS remotely
        body = body.Replace(@"?", string.Empty);

        // body = Regex.Replace(body, @"/\*[^\*]*\*+([^/\*]*\*+)*/", "$1");
        body = Regex.Replace(
            body, @"(?&lt;=[&gt;])\s{2,}(?=[&lt;])|(?&lt;=[&gt;])\s{2,}(?= )|(?&lt;=&amp;ndsp;)\s{2,}(?=[&lt;])", String.Empty);

        // Remove comments from CSS
        body = Regex.Replace(body, @"/\*[\d\D]*?\*/", string.Empty);

        return body;



4. 在Web.Config中作映射配置:

如果是IIS 7.5 或以上,则只需要作如下配置即可:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


有关如何配置 ASP.NET 应用程序的详细信息,请访问






    &lt;validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/&gt;

    &lt;modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"/&gt;


        &lt;add name="ZiZhuJYJavaScriptHandler" path="*.js" verb="*" type="zizhujy.HttpHandlers.JavaScriptHandler, zizhujy" resourceType="Unspecified" preCondition="integratedMode"/&gt;

        &lt;add name="ZiZhuJYCssHandler" path="*.css" verb="*" type="zizhujy.HttpHandlers.CssHandler, zizhujy" resourceType="Unspecified" preCondition="integratedMode"/&gt;





如果是IIS 5.1,则要按这样的格式作配置:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


有关如何配置 ASP.NET 应用程序的详细信息,请访问







        &lt;add path="*.js" verb="*" type="zizhujy.HttpHandlers.JavaScriptHandler, zizhujy" validate="false"/&gt;

        &lt;add path="*.css" verb="*" type="zizhujy.HttpHandlers.CssHandler, zizhujy" validate="false"/&gt;





5. 通过在需要压缩的文件名后面添加查询字符串?minify=true来启动压缩:

<!DOCTYPE html>


<head> ...

&lt;link href="/Content/css/functionGraffitiStyle.css?minify=true" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /&gt;

&lt;link href="/Scripts/syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/styles/shCore.css?minify=true" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /&gt;

&lt;link href="/Scripts/syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/styles/shThemeDefault.css?minify=true" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" /&gt;

&lt;script src="/Scripts/flot/jquery.flot.js?minify=true" type="text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

&lt;script src="/Scripts/FunctionGraffiti/jGraffiti-Math.js?minify=true" type="text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

&lt;script src="/Scripts/FunctionGraffiti/jGraffiti.js?minify=true" type="text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;









  • 它是内包的,不需要引用外部的奇怪程序,封装性好
  • 它不插手编译过程,它是在第一次响应请求时进行压缩,之后调用缓存版本
  • 不用维护另外的xml文件,只需要对那些你想要压缩的文件名后面添加一个查询字符串?minify=true即可启动压缩
  • ?minify=true这个查询字符串太直观太好记了
  • 没有格外的文件夹名要求,因此不会因为它的失败引起奇怪的编译过程错误



AjaxMin.zip (115.25 kb)


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